Building a future for our kids
We believe there is a better way for homeowners in Australia to live – a more thermally comfortable and healthier way. A more valuable way where people use and spend far less on energy costs whilst making their own contribution everyday to helping the environment. Our educational and ‘how to’ videos will help you understand how much better your life can be. We’re obsessively passionate at it and our mission is to help people achieve it.
Thermal efficiency is one of the least understood and least talked about aspect of living in Australia and we’re excited to have developed, manufactured and sell products that the building industry has ignored. The products we develop and those we sell are only high quality, tested products made affordable for you.
ecoGlaze is a division of ecoMaster. ecoMaster was one of the first Energy and Thermal Efficiency Retrofit businesses to emerge in Australia and was the first green retrofit business in Australia to be awarded a national award from an industry peak body, HIA.
After two decades of developing and retrofitting thousands of homes in Victoria we recognised the demand was way beyond what we could undertake with our team and focused on developing our products in a way that EVERY home handyperson could install themselves.

ecoGlaze is one of our ‘hero’ products. Designed and developed by Maurice Beinat, co-founder and Technical Director of ecoMaster this product has won the AusIndustry Award for Innovation and Enterprise.
ecoGlaze is a revolutionary new way to retrofit window insulation that is equivalent to double-glazing. The process is streamlined; there is no mess, no fuss, no materials need to go to landfill and it’s a fraction of the cost you would pay for double-glazing, whilst providing equivalent benefits.
The ecoGlaze technology more than doubles the performance of glazing to provide a significant reduction in heating and cooling costs and deliver a much more comfortable home environment.
This double-glazing alternative works by creating just the right amount of still-air space between the existing glass and the ecoGlaze panel for each different window type and frame. That is what provides the double-glazing performance. Whilst the application appears very simple the secrets are in the exact subtleties of its development. Not only that, you maintain the joinery in its current form (providing of course that it is in good condition), add the right components that make it look even better than it was before, and you are all helping to save the earth’s valuable resources in doing so.

Before ecoGlaze

After ecoGlaze
Maurice Beinat – Technical Director, ecoMaster.
The ecoGlaze development journey has been a long one. Maurice Beinat used his family home as a test case. Overtime, developing and applying technologies to make it as efficient as it can be. When he started the home’s energy efficiency rating was 1.5 stars, now it rates 7.6 stars.
Windows are such an important part of our home not only for lighting up our rooms and ventilation, but also they become a design and aesthetic feature of both the interior and exterior of our home. For Maurice it was necessary for art and science to meet – combining his technical expertise with the subtlety of the home interior. It is one of Maurice’s most impressive innovations yet.

Maurice Beinat has spent almost two decades researching energy efficiency methodologies enabling him to develop unique and ground breaking solutions that not only combat the two major issues with our home’s thermal performance, uncontrolled ventilation and unmanaged heat transfer, but also pays due respect to the aesthetic integrity of our homes.
Maurice Beinat, co-founder and Technical Director of ecoMaster, he is Australia’s Master in Energy Efficiency.
Award winner for product innovation and execution, he says, “when I was retrofitting my own home, I wasn’t willing to choose between how well something would work and something my wife would allow the look of. I wanted to create something that was as attractive as it is effective.”
Maurice and Lyn Beinat, husband and wife, co-founders of ecoMaster, have become Australia’s ONLY Masters in thermal home comfort, liveability and energy efficiency.
Lyn Beinat, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of ecoMaster is the ‘Powerhouse’ behind the brand. Little wonder she has won the National HIA GreenSmart Professional of the Year in Parliament House Canberra for leadership and professionalism.
ecoMaster has received many awards for their ground-breaking work in energy efficiency solutions. ecoGlaze is a ‘hero’ product and a game changer in the affordability of a double glazing equivalent.